Hello. Here's a warm welcome to my blog - 'A PEEP INTO PR'. This blog is a reflection of the course (MA Public Relations) I am presently studying at the University of Westminster. Through this blog, I intend to throw light on the contemporary issues and theories in Public Relations.Please feel free to opine, criticise and comment. Thank You so much for giving me your valuable time.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Social Networking websites popularly referred to as Social Media , have rapidly increased in popularity over the past few years, so much that many are wondering why.

Social media hаѕ never bееn ѕο prevalent. Everywhere wе turn, wе see thе constant allusion tο social media. Sο іt’s small surprise thаt аn understanding tο social media іѕ a mυѕt fοr еνеrу type οf organisation аnԁ thе key element tο success іѕ mаkе рƖеаѕеԁ – targeted аnԁ constant.

When you hear the term, social media, what do you think about? If you say proper nouns like Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, and Twitter, you’ve proven social media is a fad.

The following web-cast discusses all the major topics relating to Social Media and Public Relations.

Definitely an interesting watch.

1 comment:

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